FULL STEAM AHEAD will create clear pathways for schools and teachers to adopt to this new way and help them arranging and aligning their policies, the classrooms, the lessons and approach to truly enable a pupil-driven 21st century learning model.
SYSTEMATIC GUIDELINES FOR SCHOOLS, TEACHERS AND COMPANIES For a growing number of schools and areas, pupil-driven learning has become an aspiring framework for how educators, families, and communities partner to promote pupils’ development We realise it is a major task to create full pupil-driven facilities and curriculum within the project timeframe and possibilities.
Therefore, the emphasis of the project is on enabling schools to first review what they already do regarding pupil-driven learning and then identifying areas missing. The project will facilitate status quo review and further embedding in schools’ strategic plans, staffing, professional learning, and budgets.
FULL STEAM AHEAD drives many of their schoolwide practices and policies, creating a welcoming, participatory, and caring climate for (active) learning. Concretely we will deliver five outputs, three for schools and their teachers, one directly at pupils (IO4) and one specifically aimed at employers (IO3):
IO1 - The Classroom as a MakerSpace Toolkit;
IO2 - FULL STEAM AHEAD - Best Practices guidebook;
IO3 - Young Future Workers – Hosting Guidebook for employers;
IO4 - European Pupil Resource Pack • IO5 - Pupil driven Social & Professional Network Toolkit
IO5: Pupil Driven Social & Professional Network Toolkit